All things are interrelated. Many connections we just don't understand. Doing one thing affects another.
I have been having tests done as I'm not feeling well. ECG. Chest X-Ray. Full blood work. All that stuff. And on it goes. "We'll get to the bottom of this." "Thanks, Doc."
Every joint hurts. Every muscle aches, and is crampy. I'm sometimes short of breath, which brings on a panic attack. Exhaustion and fatigue are such that this last week I've not been able to finish my shift at work numerous times. Blood pressure has been running as high as 190/130, and that while on my blood pressure meds. Doubling the dose brought it down but only to about 150/100. Still not good. I feel old.
I have my suspicions what is going on. My mother had zero thyroid function. Three of my sisters and one brother have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. And last night I read that hypothyroidism is a potential side effect of Lamictal, the med I take for bipolar disorder. Its also associated with being bipolar, though whether that's a direct correlation or the result of bipolar people being on either lamictal or lithium, both of which can cause hypothyroidism, is unknown. At least that's what I read.
Taken together it makes me suspicious. I've informed the Doctor. He is testing for it. One can only hope as the cure for that is quite easy in the long run.
All things are connected.
If this were true it would bring up another issue. When identifying chemical dependency issues in my family of origin, Mom's drug use stands out. She would take her thyroid medication in the morning as a "pick me upper" and the take benadryl at night to relax and go to sleep. All prescribed, mind you. But nevertheless, dependent on drugs for mood and energy.
I don't like the extent to which I'm becoming that. I think the tally is up to nine different meds and supplements on a daily basis. Lamictal for bipolar. Mirtazapine for depression. Abilify to make both of those function better. Rozerem for sleep. Losartan for blood pressure. Mobic for joint pain. Gemfibrozil and fish oil for Cholesterol. And a vitamin or two because the meds deplete certain vitamins in your body.
I can swallow quite a pile of drugs at one time. There was a time when that would gag me.
But I'm extremely thankful for them. I have no clue where I'd be without them. Miserable or dead.
I hope it doesn't take too long for some positive results to come to the fore in the testing. And of course, I hope it doesn't reveal something I truly don't want to know. The lung X-ray, eg. "In the name of due diligence we should do this. . ." "Yes, I know, but let's hope my problem isn't lung cancer." I actually have none of the most pronounced symptoms, but you never know. But after smoking for as long as I did, I have to confess that every time the tests reveal I'm still cancer free I feel a bit like a kid who stole a cookie from the cookie jar and got away with it.
Well, enough of the lament for this morning. I'm noticing my knuckles are achy and the muscles in my cheeks are tense. The list goes on and on. And so I await a diagnosis.
Thank you for filling us in on the details and for your own confession of anxiety. While you may feel weak and a bit lost, you're actually helping the rest of us see a way of coping with uncertainty. We are grateful Dave, and will continue to pray for your well-being and peace. Don't forget to breathe, eh? The Holy Spirit is on the breath, for you.