My Bishop recently wrote an article about self care, specifically taking time off. I'm a prime example. Clergy don't do a good job of this, often tending to others and neglecting themselves. And for some of us, it's even more complicated.
I'm up this morning too early. I woke up a few times, and finally got up at about 1:15. I look for reasons for this. Taking pseudoephedrine. I've been battling a cold, or allergies, and have taken pseudoephedrine. That is enough to do it. I am also a Seahawks fan and was following the Russell Wilson contract situation. They reached an agreement late last night. I found myself checking on the progress every time I woke up. And part of it is just plain insomnia that continues to plague me. Self care and taking time off. Just sleeping would be a good start.
I was bad at this when I was full time in the ministry. When I went on disability I had accumulated a full three months of unused vacation time. Much of this accrued during the building of Luther Park. I just didn't take time off.
My lesson? Eventually you will. If being disabled and off work for a couple of years is what you want, just keep up with that schedule. It caught up with me.
My life now has not made it any easier. I work a forty hour week at the cabinet shop, and then add twenty hours at church. Add to that the twelve hours a week I spend commuting And there is not a lot of time for self care. I need to use my vacation at church, but that puts a burden on them that I tend to avoid. But mainly, I only get a week off per year from the cabinet shop. That restricts me. For my coworkers, this is not so bad as they work four tens, and have a three day weekend. Not me. I am able to take Friday afternoons and Saturdays off, and I do so religiously.
I fear that there is not an easy solution for the next few years until retirement. So yes, Bishop Kristen, I hear you. I just don't see an easy solution.
Otherwise, I'm doing well. Overworked, but well.
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